# Start


duration: How long the giveaway should last for. Example values: 1m, 1h, 1d [required: true]
winners: How many winners the giveaway should have [required: true]
prize: What the prize of the giveaway should be [required: true]
channel: The channel to start the giveaway in [required: true]
bonusrole: Role which would recieve bonus entries [required: false]
bonusamount: The amount of bonus entries the role will recieve [required: false]
sponsor: Select the user who sponsered this giveaway [required: false]
thumbnail: Enter the URL of the thumbnail to add a thumbnail in embed [required: false]
image: Enter the URL of the image to add a image in embed [required: false]
message: Enter the message to be sent with the giveaway [required: false]
ping: Enter the role to be pinged with the giveaway [required: false]
emoji: Enter the emoji for the reaction (emoji should of the this server only) [required: false]
embed_colour: Enter the hex code (#ffffff) of the color for the embed color [required: false]
hosted_by: True for showing the name of the giveaway hoster [required: false]
required_server: Invite of the server you want to add as giveaway joining requirement [required: false]
required_role: Role you want to add as giveaway joining requirement [required: false]
requirement_messages: The number of messages required in the server to participate in the giveaway [required: false]
required_invites: Number of invites required to participate in the giveaway (max 50) [required: false]
required_accountage: Account Age required to participate in the giveaway [required: false]
bypass_role: Role that bypasses all the requirements [required: false]

/start duration:1h winners:1 prize:10$ Nitro channel:#giveaways